Washington Charging Order Statutes And Opinions

Washington State StateWashington

Washington Charging Order Statutes

  • PROCEDURE: RCW 6.32.085. Order charging partnership interest or directing sale
  • GENERAL PARTNERSHIPS: RCW 25.05.215. Partner's transferable interest subject to charging order
  • LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS: RCW 25.10.556. Rights of creditor of partner or transferee
  • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES: RCW 25.15.256. Rights of judgment creditor


RCW 6.32.085. Order charging partnership interest or directing sale

If it appears from the examination or testimony taken in the special proceedings authorized by this chapter that the judgment debtor owns an interest in a partnership, the judge who granted the order or warrant or to whom it is returnable may in his or her discretion, upon such notice to other partners as the judge deems just, and to the extent permitted by Title 25 RCW, (1) enter an order charging the partnership interest with payment of the judgment, directing that all or any part of distributions or other amounts becoming due to the judgment debtor, other than earnings as defined in RCW 6.27.010, be paid to a receiver if one has been appointed, otherwise to the clerk of the court that entered the judgment, for application to payment of the judgment in the same manner as proceeds from sale on execution and, in aid of the charging order, the court may make such other orders as a case requires, or (2) enter an order directing sale of the partnership interest in the same manner as personal property is sold on execution.


RCW 25.05.215. Partner's transferable interest subject to charging order

(1) On application by a judgment creditor of a partner or of a partner's transferee, a court having jurisdiction may charge the transferable interest of the judgment debtor to satisfy the judgment. The court may appoint a receiver of the share of the distributions due or to become due to the judgment debtor in respect of the partnership and make all other orders, directions, accounts, and inquiries the judgment debtor might have made or which the circumstances of the case may require.

(2) A charging order constitutes a lien on the judgment debtor's transferable interest in the partnership. The court may order a foreclosure of the interest subject to the charging order at any time. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale has the rights of a transferee.

(3) At any time before foreclosure, an interest charged may be redeemed:

(a) By the judgment debtor;

(b) With property other than partnership property, by one or more of the other partners; or

(c) With partnership property, by one or more of the other partners with the consent of all of the partners whose interests are not so charged.

(4) This chapter does not deprive a partner of a right under exemption laws with respect to the interest in the partnership.

(5) This section provides the exclusive remedy by which a judgment creditor of a partner or partner's transferee may satisfy a judgment out of the judgment debtor's transferable interest in the partnership.


RCW 25.10.556. Rights of creditor of partner or transferee

(1) On application to a court of competent jurisdiction by any judgment creditor of a partner or transferee, the court may charge the transferable interest of the judgment debtor with payment of the unsatisfied amount of the judgment with interest. To the extent so charged, the judgment creditor has only the rights of a transferee. The court may appoint a receiver of the share of the distributions due or to become due to the judgment debtor in respect of the partnership and make all other orders, directions, accounts, and inquiries the judgment debtor might have made or that the circumstances of the case may require to give effect to the charging order.

(2) A charging order constitutes a lien on the judgment debtor's transferable interest. The court may order a foreclosure upon the interest subject to the charging order at any time. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale has the rights of a transferee.

(3) At any time before foreclosure, an interest charged may be redeemed:

(a) By the judgment debtor;

(b) With property other than limited partnership property, by one or more of the other partners; or

(c) With limited partnership property, by the limited partnership with the consent of all partners whose interests are not so charged.

(4) This chapter does not deprive any partner or transferee of the benefit of any exemption laws applicable to the partner's or transferee's transferable interest.

(5) This section provides the exclusive remedy by which a judgment creditor of a partner or transferee may satisfy a judgment out of the judgment debtor's transferable interest.


RCW 25.15.256. Rights of judgment creditor

(1) On application to a court of competent jurisdiction by any judgment creditor of a member or transferee, the court may charge the transferable interest of the judgment debtor with payment of the unsatisfied amount of the judgment with interest. To the extent so charged, the judgment creditor has only the rights of a transferee. The court may appoint a receiver of the share of the distributions due or to become due to the judgment creditor in respect of the limited liability company and make all other orders, directions, accounts, and inquiries the judgment debtor might have made or that the circumstances of the case may require to give effect to the charging order.

(2) A charging order constitutes a lien on the judgment debtor's transferable interest. The court may order a foreclosure upon the transferable interest subject to the charging order at any time. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale has the rights of a transferee.

(3) At any time before foreclosure, a transferable interest charged may be redeemed:

(a) By the judgment debtor;

(b) With property other than limited liability company property, by one or more of the other members; or

(c) With limited liability company property, by the limited liability company with the consent of all members whose interests are not so charged.

(4) This chapter does not deprive any member or transferee of the benefit of any exemption laws applicable to the member's or transferee's transferable interest.

(5) This section provides the exclusive remedy by which a judgment creditor of a member or transferee may satisfy a judgment out of the judgment debtor's transferable interest.

Washington Charging Order Opinions